It is fun for us to carry the tea theme into the outdoors in as many ways possible. These oversized tea pot and cups are filled with the edible flower pansies for the spring. We also have a series of tea pot wind chimes hanging in our tree. Another way that we decorate with our outdoor living space with the tea theme is with our teapot tree. All the tea pots with a crack or chip or who have lost their lid find a home on our pussy willow tree. We began this project about a year ago and it is our goal to fill this tree with once loved tea pots.
An informative sampling focused on herbs and tea with an occasional sprinkling of fairy dust and a glimpse into family activities too. The contributions to this blog are the combined efforts of the sisters of The Rosemary House and Sweet Remembrances.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Garden Tea Decor
It is fun for us to carry the tea theme into the outdoors in as many ways possible. These oversized tea pot and cups are filled with the edible flower pansies for the spring. We also have a series of tea pot wind chimes hanging in our tree. Another way that we decorate with our outdoor living space with the tea theme is with our teapot tree. All the tea pots with a crack or chip or who have lost their lid find a home on our pussy willow tree. We began this project about a year ago and it is our goal to fill this tree with once loved tea pots.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Spring Nesting

Friday, March 28, 2008
Garden Railroading
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Litera-Tea Blog-a-Thon
Now we would like to take a moment to mention a favorite Litera-tea book as part of the Gracious Hospitality Blog-a-thon. I can't begin to tell you how difficult a choice this was. When I finally made a decision on my favorite tea (and herbs!) books, they all turned out to be The Rosemary House publications. While these are indeed quality publications they are also quite sentimental to me as well.
When The Rosemary House opened in 1968 my mother and some of her friends would gather in the back room of the shop and the creative energy was so alive you could feel it. Between the energy of the shop and the joy of herb gardens, it was a most wonderful place to grow up. Sometimes the projects going on were to create new products such as a new seasoning or dip or working on the Mail a herb cards. Sometimes the creative juices were flowing to write a new publication.
One time, the gang was working on a little booklet called Herb Teas for Pleasure. This little 43 page booklet is crammed full of information including over 100 recipes. Herb butters, rose creams, easy herb jellies, herb tea blends - it's all in here -- and peppered with charming little line drawings and quotations. Mom once admitted "I put too much information in that one book". This little gem is still in print and available.
Another little gem that was created in the back room of The Rosemary House was this clever book Recipes for a Winning Political Party. Originally written in 1972 I find it still timely for this election year and many of the puns still current. Recipes for Inflationary Spirals and Political Punch just to name two. No matter what your political affliation this little book will make your party a success. We have just a few of these fun books left for our blog readers.

The other series of books is a compilation of work that took place in the back room of The Rosemary House and also with the lovely ladies of Penn Cumberland Garden Club. Penn Cumberland has an annual herb tea party. These are a most extravagant affair and every member attends this meeting! The herb tea party always has a theme. A Country Herb Tea, A Rose Herb Tea Party, A Feast of Flowers Herb Tea Party, An English High Herb Tea Party. The two shown here are A Shakespeare Tea and The Fairy Folk Tea Party. All the food feature lots of herbs and of course the beverage served is an herbal tisane. All the recipes from the Shakespeare Tea feature herbs/foods mentioned in the various plays of Shakespeare. For instance in King Henry VIII is this quote "These are the youths that thunder at the playhouse, and fight for bitten apples...." which leads to serving Apple Cake at the tea.
The Fairy Folk Tea party booklet has recipes for Puck's Pear Cardamon Bread and Magikal Meringue Mushrooms, Star Gazers Tarragon Butter and more. It also features fairy quotes some also from Shakespeare like this one. "Fairies, black, grey, green and white, you moonshine revellers, and shades of night."
Such a tough choice. There are so many books I turn to for inspiration, reference and fun and they all deserve a day on the blog.
Susan Wittig Albert presents "What's Cooking"
Now let’s get down to business, as Bertha would say! Welcome to all you blog readers, and thanks for joining us today. This blog tour celebrates the launch of Nightshade, the sixteenth China Bayles mystery. China has traded her career as a criminal defense lawyer for a quieter life as the owner of an herb shop in Pecan Springs TX. Life in the garden is full of mystery, however, and China is often called on to solve them. But that’s what makes life fun, isn’t it? Mystery, gardens, and plenty of good food.
What’s Cooking? Food and Mysteries in the China Bayles Series
When I first started the China Bayles books, back in 1992, most authors didn’t include recipes in fiction. While China is always stirring up something with herbs (rosemary biscuits for breakfast, a tomato soup with basil for lunch, an herb-rich lasagna for dinner), it wasn’t until the fifth book, Love Lies Bleeding, that I included a recipe. This one was for Ruby Wilcox’s Hot Lips Cookie Crisps. The scene went like this:
To this day, I get more requests for this cookie recipe than for any other recipe in the series. One lady told me that she baked the cookies for her husband as a joke—and he ate the whole batch and demanded more. Chile-heads love them!Ruby handed me a plate of cookies. "Be careful," she warned as I took one. "They bite back.
"Oh, yeah?" The cookie was small, I was hungry, and I popped it, fast. It was nutty, sweet, and hot. Very, very hot.
"Wow!" I went for the milk. "Those are incendiary," I said, when my mouth was cool enough to get the words out. "What the devil is in them?"
Ruby grinned. "I thought that would warm you up a little. I'm calling them Hot Lips Cookie Crisps. Did I put in enough habenero powder?"
"They're soul-searing," I said. "Cookie monsters. My palate may never recover."
The second most popular recipe in the series is for the herb quiche with thyme and lavender that China and Ruby serve in their tea room, Thyme for Tea. I always keep a couple of cans of condensed milk in my pantry just for this quiche—and of course, a supply of dried lavender blossoms, as well. Quiche is simple to bake and perfect for Sunday brunch or Saturday night supper. Garnished with lavender or chive blossoms, it’s a treat for the eyes, as well as the taste buds. No wonder people keep asking for the recipe!
Food plays an important role in most novels, and certainly in mysteries. In the first chapter of China’s new mystery, Nightshade, I use an eggplant dish to introduce China’s husband, McQuaid, and her stepson, Brian. (You can read the first chapter here.) Turns out that neither McQuaid nor Brian are eggplant lovers. Eggplant is a nightshade, so putting this dish on the table gives me a chance to introduce the nightshades, as well as a couple of major characters.
I love to set scenes in restaurants, like this scene in Spanish Dagger. China and McQuaid are having lunch at Miguel’s and discussing the death of Colin Fowler. Here’s what’s on the menu:
. . . chipotle enchiladas with spicy black beans and rice and another Dos Equis for McQuaid, an ensalada de nopalites and iced tea for me. Nopalites or nopales are the green pads of the prickly pear cactus, carefully stripped of their spines. They’re cubed, blanched, chilled, and tossed with thin-sliced red onions, corn, tomatoes, mild chile peppers, cilantro, feta cheese, and vinaigrette for a light, spicy salad.
Since this book is all about Southwestern herbs, prickly pear (which is both a traditional food and a medicine) certainly has a place on the table. Want to try making this salad yourself? You’ll find fresh nopales in the produce section of many large supermarkets, or canned nopales on the shelf in the Mexican food section. The recipe is here. And if you’d like more
information about nopales, the Gourmet Sleuth will help.
In many crime novels, deals are made over coffee, plots are hatched over tea and cookies, and mysteries are solved over dessert. But when I use a recipe in the China Bayles novels, you can bet it’s going to feature an herb—usually the “signature herb” for the book itself. So when you’re reading A Dilly of a Death, you can find out how to make “A Dilly of a Tomato Soup” (you’ll find the recipe here, at the bottom of the page). Or when you’re deep in Lavender Lies, you can enjoy some Lavender Muffins.
When China and Ruby opened their tea room, Thyme for Tea, they found out that things don’t always go right in the restaurant business. But I certainly had fun collecting recipes for their monthly tea parties. You can find them all by clicking on the “tea party” link on the Thyme for Tea website. April’s coming up, so why not check out China’s ideas for a “spring-thyme tea”? Please feel free to use their ideas for decorations and refreshments.
Food, cooking, and kitchens will always play an important role in this series. There are plenty of recipes on my website, and I’m always looking for more. Yes, I do test the recipes that appear in the book—that’s why they’re usually pretty simple. China and I don’t have time to stir up complicated dishes. If you have an idea for an herb-flavored favorite you’d like to see featured in a book, why don’t you leave a note here? We’ll see what China can cook up!
Well, that’s all for now. Thanks again, Susanna and Nancy, for hosting me. And
thanksto all you readers who’ve dropped in to read today’s post. I’ll be around today and tomorrow to answer your questions and read your recipe suggestions. Please don’t forget about the drawing. And do check the calendar to see where I’ll be blogging next. Hope to see you there!
About the book drawing and Susan’s blog tour
If you’d like to enter the drawing for a copy of
Nightshade go here to register. But you’d better hurry. The drawing for Rosemary’s Sampler closes at noon on March 28, 2008.
Want to read the other posts in Susan’s blog
tour? You’ll find a calendar and links here.
Monday, March 24, 2008
It probably originated in the desert region of Siberia around the Volga River Basin. The name rhubarb, comes from Rha, the name Muscovites gave to the river Volga, and barbarum, a reference to the barbarous people that lived in the region. Rhubarb is also known as "wild strawberry" and "pie Plant". In 1770, Benjamin Franklin who at the time was living in London shipped a crate of rhubarb to Philadelphia to his friend, John Bartram, the great botanist. It is generally agreed that 1770 was the year that rhubarb was introduced into the United States. It was not for another 60 years that the root gained popularity in the US. Some say this was because many folks associated the plant with "tincture of Rhubarb" a strong laxative that grandmother might have forced on them. This variety, Victoria, first appeared in American seed catalogs in 1828.
For a tasty yet unusual tea bread, try this interesting recipe.
1-1/2 c. firmly packed light brown sugar
2/3 c. vegetable oil
1 egg
1 c. sour milk
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla
2-1/2 c. flour
1-1/2 c. raw rhubarb stalks, diced
1/2 c. chopped pecans
1/3 c. sugar
1 Tbsp. melted butter
In a bowl, combine brown sugar, oil and egg. In another bowl combine sour milk, baking soda, salt and vanilla. Add the milk mixture to the sugar mixture alternately with the flour, beating well after each addition. Fold in the rhubarb and pecans. Pour the batter into 2 buttered and floured loaf pans, 8 x 4 x 3 inches. Sprinkle the loaves with the 1/3 c. sugar combined with the melted butter. Bake at 325 degrees for 45 min., or until a cake tester inserted in the center comes out clean. Remove loaves to wire rack to cool.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Tea Cups - A Story
These tea cup displays are in the tea room. The long skinny shelf holds a few of the tea cups I inherited from my Aunt, and this cupboard full of special tea cups are some of the cups my Mother gave to me. It is in a hidden corner in the tea room, and not many people notice it, but it is full of treasures.
Monday, March 17, 2008
~An Irish Blessing~
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Sesame Seed Cracker Cookies
Saturday, March 15, 2008
We have babies!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Willow Water for Rooting
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Seed Starting Tip - Use Camomile
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
~Friends Helping Friends~
I (Valerie Zagami)am a volunteer with the ARC of Northern Bristol County, a non-profit association serving individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. We have submitted a project to Hamburger Helper ( to help us with a new kitchen in our building. This would allow cooking classes and basic home skills to be taught and shared with others. Please take a moment to send in a comment to the link below.With a little help from our friends we may be chosen as part of this project. The site will be up until the end of March, when they pick 12 projects to fund. The competition is high, but we can try. The direct link to the site is submit a comment in support of this project and pass it on to others for their help as well. Thanks! Valerie Zagami on behalf of: The ARC of Northern Bristol County,141 Park Street, Attleboro, MA 02703
Monday, March 10, 2008
Seed starting tip - soak thick seeds
The Castor bean grows into a huge plant and was frequently grown in the Victorian era because it is so large and showy in the garden. It has huge lush tropical leaves up to 3 feet across! It is an annual (one year) plant that is easy to grow and makes excellent temporary hedges or background plantings. Castor bean seeds are poisonous so it is best to keep away from curious toddlers. We have always taught our kids not to eat any herb until they ask first. An important lesson since our back yard is one big gardening adventure filled with plants that taste good, have interesting structure, really pretty flowers and fragrance.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Seed Tip - Herbs Easy from Seed

Saturday, March 8, 2008
Seed starting tip - jiffy pots
Friday, March 7, 2008
Seed Starting Adventures
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Mystery author Susan Wittig Albert
At the end of the month, mystery author Susan Wittig Albert will be making a guest appearance on our blog. We are just so excited. It has always been fun to host Susan for booksignings and now we can host her in a blogosphere book tour! She is promoting Nightshade, the 16th book in the China Bayles mystery series. A kindred spirit of ours, China owns a herb shop in Texas and in between customers she solves mysteries. I especially love the books because of the herbal lore and recipes peppered through out the series. We have just begun reading Nightshade and already it is a book we can't put down.
I have shown the pre-publication copy of Nightshade here with Lavender Lies, book number 8 and our favorite in the series because mom, Bertha Reppert is one of the characters in the book. She's helping China prepare for her herbal wedding.
Check back. If you visit during Susan Wittig Albert's blog book tour you will have a chance to enter and win a copy of Nightshade!