Roses are a classic edible flower. One that we have used to make rose petal sandwiches with for 5 decades. We use a cream cheese softened with just a wee bit of rose water and spread on the bread. Place the clean rose petals atop the spread for a charming and delicious rose petal sandwich. Rose petal sandwiches can be considered the first tea sandwiches that Nancy ever made! She would help her mother prepare for garden parties at The Rosemary House by making these sandwiches. In the early years, mom, Bertha Reppert, would host garden tours and tea parties at no charge to introduce the world of herbs to the community. Rose petal sandwiches were offered along with strawberries dipped in vanilla flavored confectioner's sugar. Sweet brown sugar sesame seed crackers rounded out the offering along with fresh mint tea.
Dianthus flowers are so fun because they come in such a large variety of colors. Pinks, whites, reds, stripes, purples and even some blues. You can find the perfect color to compliment every dish. Toss these into a salad for a quick pick-me-up and beautiful contrast to salad greens.
Day lilies are a wonderful edible flower but they only last one day so you must pick the one that opened just that morning.
Of course, in order to be an edible flower, they must not be sprayed with any pesticides and grown in organic conditions. Always make certain you know which flowers are edible before using them!