Thursday, May 24, 2012

Textile Garden at Landis Valley

The textile garden features a variety of plants used in textiles.  Flax is spun into fiber,  teasel is used to tease the wool. Many of the plants are used to achieve color by dying the wool.   Below is Broom, which yields a beautiful green color.
Hostas, Iris, Celandine, Lungwort and others were used as "dye plants" to bring color to cloth.


GardenOfDaisies said...

Oh, even more reasons to love this place!! I love flax. It seems to just grow wild around here. We see the blue flowers every summer.

Marilyn Miller said...

What a fun garden to visit. I once took a class on natural dyes and really enjoyed all that was out there the use for dying fabric and even Easter eggs. One of my favorites was marigolds and a weed called "dock".

Lady Linda said...

So interesting. I'd love to grow some flax.