so here goes Let's Play Tag!
The rules of the game: Each player answers the questions themselves. At the end of the post the player tags 4 people and posts their names, and goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment letting them know that they've been tagged asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you've posted your answers.
Ten years ago... Wedding preparations were under way as Susanna and David were married on the 4th of July at Peace Church with a wedding reception held in our gardens. All the food was prepared by myself, including the wedding cake decorated with crystallized pansies. It was a beautiful day with cause for much celebration. The honeymoon, a Rosemary House traveling herb seminar, included a trip to the Amazon with the newlyweds, 3 sisters, 1 brother-in-law, a cousin, her son, and a few other participants. What an adventure! A Honeymoon to Remember. It's hard to top an Amazon adventure, but our Wagon Train excursion is the perfect celebration for their 10th wedding anniversary.
Five things on today's to do list... serve lunch to a herb club, advance prep for tomorrow's event, clean off my desk, cleanup from today's event, set the tables for tomorrow's event, laundry, prepare the family dinner, think about packing for vacation, go to the bank... wait.... that's more than five things.... the list is never ending....
Snacks I enjoy... chocolate, chips, cakes
Things I would do if I was a millionaire.... travel leisurely around the world, eventually buy castles in England and Spain and invite family and friends over for dinner (airfare on me of course) every night.
Places I have lived... born in NJ, lived mostly in PA, a short while in CT, and spent my senior year of college abroad in Spain
I'm tagging TEA pals:
MaryAnne of Torchsong Studio,
Marilyn of Marmalady's,
Alice of Tea in My Cup, and
Valerie of Tea and Trinkets
Thanks for playing Nancy. I love the way you worked tea into this fun game. My trusty bone china tea mug has been neglected lately because I just can't get enough iced tea since my return from Britain!
I love that frog teapot! Thanks for tagging me. I'll post tomorrow. And you know you'd miss Pennsylvania if you moved to a castle in England. :)
I have posted on Hearts Delights. I loved your frog teapot.
Well, that was fun!
Thanks for including me.
So glad to know the teapots arrived safely.
Thanks for playing tag with me! I love your frog teapot.. Your blog is just wonderful and makes one feel like a member of the family. Thanks, Valerie
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