Thursday, July 17, 2014

Culinary Herbal Planter

 A week or so ago we had a workshop to create your own culinary herbal window box. The participants could choose from  Dwarf Sage, Basil, Parsley, Burnet (which tastes like cucumbers), Curry plant (which isn't where curry comes from but smells/tastes like curry), Par-Cel (looks like parsley and tastes like Celery), Rosemary, Thyme and many others.
First we put in coffee filters so the soil doesn't wash out through the drainage holes.  Good drainage is a must with herbs.  Then we filled the box part way with organic soil/compost mix.  Next we tucked in 4-5 herbs and a cheerful pansy for some color.  
When they get home they are instructed to put the planter in full sun (5-6 hours of sun) and water daily.  It is also extremely important to clip and use frequently!


Marilyn Miller said...

This would be a fun class.

Angela McRae said...

Now I would have enjoyed this! (It seems I say that every other day on your blog, but I really do feel as if I would be a constant visitor if I lived nearby.) And thanks for the reminder that I need to be snipping my herbs!